Welcome to the May 2024 release of the Anon platform. Key highlights include:

  • Session Status Check
  • Session Deletion

TypeScript SDK

🆕 Session Status Check

You can now check the status of an user session.

Example usage:

import { Client } from "@anon/sdk-typescript";

const client = new Client({...});
await client.getSessionStatus({ account: { ownerId: "<app_user_id>", domain: "<app_enum>" }});

The response will be { "status": SessionStatusEnum } where SessionStatusEnum is one of:

  • "active": Session is valid and ready for automation.
  • "revoked": Session is invalid and the user needs to log in again.
  • "unknown": Unable to determine the session status.

🆕 Session Deletion

You can now delete a user session.

Example usage:

import { Client } from "@anon/sdk-typescript";

const client = new Client({...});
await client.deleteSession({ account: { ownerId: "<app_user_id>", domain: "<app_enum>" }});

Check out more detailed usage examples in our SDK reference here.