Typescript SDK Reference
Usage reference for SDK endpoints and methods
You can get started with a Typescript example here.
Client: Get Session Status
Method client.getSessionStatus
| API Endpoint
This method retrieves the status of a session associated with a specified account.
// Define the input for the getSessionStatus method
const getSessionInput = {
account: {
ownerId: "app_user_id", // Replace with the app user id
domain: "app_enum", // Replace with the app enum string
// Call the getSessionStatus method
.then((result) => {
if ("status" in result) {
console.log("Session status:", result.status); // Output the session status
} else {
console.error("Error:", result); // Handle the GetSessionError response
.catch((error) => {
console.error("An error occurred:", error.message);
Client: Delete Session
Method client.deleteSession
| API Endpoint
This method deletes a session associated with a specified account.
// Define the input for the deleteSession method
const deleteSessionInput = {
account: {
ownerId: "app_user_id", // Replace with the app user id
domain: "app_enum", // Replace with the app enum string
// Call the deleteSession method
.then((result) => {
// Handle the success response
if ("message" in result) {
console.log(result.message); // Output: Session removed successfully
} else {
console.error(result); // Handle the error response
.catch((error) => {
console.error("An error occurred:", error.message);
Execute Runtime Script
Function executeRuntimeScript
Executes a runtime script within a browser context.
This function runs given Playwright scripts within a specified page or browser context. The page or browser context is supported with Anon’s session cookies and proxies. It ensures the setup and cleanup of browser resources after the script execution.
const account = {
// check out the list of supported integrations on docs.anon.com
// should align with a previously connected user session
app: "amazon",
// this is the "sub" field of your user's JWTs
userId: APP_USER_ID,
const client = new Client({
environment: "sandbox",
// create a server SdkClient and use its ApiKey
// for testing, can alternately use an admin member's api key
apiKey: API_KEY,
`Setting up browser script for ${account.app} session for app user id ${APP_USER_ID}`,
const { browserContext } = await setupAnonBrowserWithContext(
{ type: "local", input: { headless: false } },
await executeRuntimeScript({
target: { browserContext: browserContext },
initialUrl: "https://www.linkedin.com",
run: async (page: Page) => {
console.log("navigating to messages!");
await page.goto("https://linkedin.com/messaging/?");
await page.mainFrame().waitForLoadState();
Setup Anon Browser With Context
Function setupAnonBrowserWithContext
This function initializes a browser and its context, configured with proxy settings. The initialized browser context can be used to execute browser scripts. It supports managed (remote browser managed by Anon), remote (other remote url), and local launch options.
const { browserContext } = await setupAnonBrowserWithContext(
{ type: "local", input: {} }, // browserLaunchOptions
The third parameter is an object browserLaunchOptions
which takes a type
key with value "local" | "remote" | "managed"
and additional input parameters.
type: "local"
Allows you to self-host Playwright sessions, on your own backend servers or developer machines.
The type for browserLaunchOptions
is { type: "local"; input: LocalBrowserLaunchInput }
input: LocalBrowserLaunchInput
extends Playwright’s LaunchOptions
and includes an optional proxy property:
const { browserContext } = await setupAnonBrowserWithContext(
{ type: "local", input: { headless: false, isAnonProxyEnabled: true } },
type LocalBrowserLaunchInput = Omit<LaunchOptions, "proxy"> & {
proxy?: LocalProxyConfig | AnonProxyConfig;
allows you to specify your own proxy:
type LocalProxyConfig = {
server: string;
bypass?: string;
username?: string;
password?: string;
allows you to use Anon’s proxy or disable proxying:
type AnonProxyConfig = {
isAnonProxyEnabled?: boolean;
By default, if the proxy
or isAnonProxyEnabled
property is omitted, then no proxies will be used.
type: "remote"
The type for browserLaunchOptions
is { type: "remote" | "self-hosted"; input: string }
input: string
is the remote url to connect to.
Allows you to host Playwright sessions on a remote provider, like Browserbase, or your own remote url.
const { browserContext } = await setupAnonBrowserWithContext(
type: "remote",
input: `wss://connect.browserbase.com?apiKey=${process.env.BROWSERBASE_API_KEY}`,
type: "managed"
The type for browserLaunchOptions
is { type: "managed"; input: ManagedBrowserEnvironmentInput }
input: ManagedBrowserEnvironmentInput
is an { apiKey: string, env: string }
, where apiKey
is your Anon API key and env
is your Anon env "sandbox" | "prod"
Allows you to host Playwright sessions on Anon’s servers.
const { browser } = await setupAnonBrowserWithContext(
{ type: "managed", input: { }, },
const page = browser.contexts()[0].pages()[0];
await executeRuntimeScript({
target: { page },
initialUrl: "www.example.com",
Detailed Usage
Running this script will indicate your location as setupAnonBrowserWithContext
proxies your requests to nearby servers.
const account = { app: "amazon", userId: APP_USER_ID };
const client = new Client({ environment: "sandbox", apiKey: API_KEY });
type LumTestResponse = {
geo: {
city: string;
region: string;
country: string;
const getProxyGeoInformation = async (page: Page): Promise<LumTestResponse> => {
await page.goto("https://lumtest.com/myip.json");
const json = await page.textContent("body");
if (json) {
return JSON.parse(json) as LumTestResponse;
} else {
throw new Error("Unable to get IP");
`Setting up browser script for ${account.app} session for app user id ${APP_USER_ID}`,
const { browserContext } = await setupAnonBrowserWithContext(
{ type: "local", input: {} },
const geoInfo = await executeRuntimeScript({
target: { browserContext },
initialUrl: "https://lumtest.com/myip.json",
run: getProxyGeoInformation,
console.log(`Made a request from ${geoInfo.geo.city}, ${geoInfo.geo.region}, ${geoInfo.geo.country}`);
Initialize Anon Browser
Function initializeAnonBrowser
This function is only for type: "local"
browser instances.
We recommend using setupAnonBrowserWithContext
for most use cases, since that function sets up both your browser and browser context.
Initializes an Anon browser instance based on the provided launch options. This function supports launching a local
browser, connecting to a remote
browser, or initializing a managed
browser environment hosted by Anon.
Detailed Usage
const browser = await initializeAnonBrowser({
type: "local",
input: {},
const browserContext = await setupAnonBrowserContext(client, account, browser);
const geoInfo = await executeRuntimeScript({
target: { browserContext },
initialUrl: "https://lumtest.com/myip.json",
run: getProxyGeoInformation,
Setup Anon Browser Context
Function setupAnonBrowserContext
This function is only for type: "local"
browser instances.
We recommend using setupAnonBrowserWithContext
for most use cases, since that function sets up both your browser and browser context.
Sets up a browser context with optional proxy settings and additional context options. This function initializes a new browser context within the given browser instance, configured with the provided proxy settings and context options.
is from Playwright’s BrowserContextOptions
Detailed Usage
const browser = await initializeAnonBrowser({
type: "local",
input: {},
const browserContext = await setupAnonBrowserContext(client, account, browser, contextOptions);
const geoInfo = await executeRuntimeScript({
target: { browserContext },
initialUrl: "https://lumtest.com/myip.json",
run: getProxyGeoInformation,
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